We recommend that when ever searching for a training provider and whatever your training requirements you should always seek to use an accredited training provider if you want to make sure the training is current, safe, legal and to the industry standard.
Training accreditors aren't just another form of trade association; they’re an integral part of the training industry that work in partnership and with cooperation with organisations like the standards agencies, government and the Health and Safety Executive. They ensure training standards are consistent and professional, producing trained candidates who work to a high standard following best practice and the latest legislation; their accreditation is intended to guide employers and individuals towards making the right choice and gaining the best training available.
When we make a commitment to seek accreditation as a training provider, we do not just fill out some forms and publish a logo on our website either, the accrediting body carry out audits of our company and our instructors, visit out training centres to see our facilities, sit in on our courses and continue to audit to ensure we meet their standards.
As a fully accredited training provider;
- We are subject to regular monitoring visits to ensure our quality standards stay consistent
- We follow training course syllabuses which have been approved by the relevant accrediting body
- We only ever employ experienced and fully qualified instructors to deliver our training
All our training courses are delivered at premises that meet the criteria for training as laid down by the training accreditor; whether at one of our own dedicated training centres or an area of your business premises set aside specifically for the purpose.
So next time you want training, make the right choice and call Kentec Training!